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  • नेपाली



Do you know the typhoons?

The typhoon is originate in the sea near the Philippines where the sea water is warm. What is generated this Philippines is called a typhoon.

At first, we do not call a typhoon, so it gets stronger and it gets stronger, and when wind strength approaches 17 m, it is called a typhoon.

The typhoon develop in the Philippines and likely to approach Okinawa, main land Japan. As the typhoon moves toward the north, the strength gradually weakens.

Typhoons have names of numbers such as “Typhoon No.10”. But English name is female names. The typhoon’s name different in Japan and USA.

It will rain three or four days before the typhoon comes. When coming near, it will be strong wind and heavy rain. Due to heavy rain and wind, various things are strongly broken or cannot be used.

Typhoons bring heavy rains and floods, landslides, it will destroy the buildings and roads. The sea wave  is very high and strong, and it is very dangerous when you are nearby. Water in the river increases too much and water may flow out of the river. That water may come into the house. Farmers prepare for growing vegetables and fruits not to get bad for several days. The transportation system can be messed up due to the bad weather.

A typhoon often comes in Okinawa. In Okinawa, typhoons many things break or are not usable. Some people are killed, others are badly injured. In Okinawa, we will make buildings with concrete and cement so that it will not break even in typhoons.

Where the rain water of the city flows to the river is full of leaves. Water may not flow, and a large puddle may be formed. When the strong wind is blowing, the umbrella quickly breaks.

Those destroyed by a strong wind are blown off and are very dangerous. Monorail and buses may stop driving.

Even then, convenience stores and supermarkets may be open. It is very convenient to buy food and drink. But I think that it is difficult for those who work. At that time, it will be full of feelings of thankfulness than usual.

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